Standards in force


Governance standards require entities to act with honesty and integrity and to be run by people with the right skills, knowledge and experience. They include foundational requirements for good governance and the fitness and propriety of people in positions of responsibility.


Prudential standard

CPS 510 Governance
1 January 2024
CPS 510 Governance requires all entities (excluding RSE licensees) to maintain a governance framework in line with their size, type and complexity.


Prudential standard

CPS 520 Fit and Proper
1 July 2019
CPS 520 Fit and Proper requires all entities (excluding RSE licensees) to determine the fitness and propriety of individuals in positions of responsibility.

Prudential practice guide

GPG 520 Fit and Proper
1 July 2008
GPG 520 Fit and Proper provides guidance for general insurers on CPS 520 Fit and Proper.


Prudential standard

CPS 511 Remuneration
1 January 2024
CPS 511 Remuneration requires entities to maintain a remuneration framework that meets prescribed objectives.

Prudential practice guide

CPG 511 Remuneration
18 October 2021
CPG 511 Renumeration provides guidance to all entities on CPS 511 Renumeration.


Prudential standard

CPS 320 Actuarial and Related Matters
1 January 2024
CPS 320 Actuarial and Related Matters requires all insurers to enable the Appointed Actuary to fulfil their legal responsibilities.

Prudential practice guide

CPG 320 Actuarial and Related Matters
1 July 2019
CPG 320 Actuarial and Related Matters provides guidance to insurers on CPS 320 Actuarial and Related Matters.


Prudential standard

3PS 310 Audit and Related Matters
1 July 2017
3PS 310 Audit and Related Matters requires Level 3 Heads to appoint an auditor to provide independent advice.

Prudential standard

GPS 310 Audit and Related Matters
1 July 2019
GPS 310 Audit and Related Matters requires general insurers or level 2 insurance groups to enable the Appointed Auditor to fulfil its legal responsibilities.


Prudential standard

3PS 001 Definitions
1 July 2017
3PS 001 Definitions defines key terms used in prudential standards that apply to level 3 heads.

Prudential standard

GPS 001 Definitions
1 July 2023
GPS 001 Definitions defines key terms used in prudential standards that apply to general insurers and authorised non-operating holding companies.

Risk Management

Risk Management standards require entities to maintain effective risk management strategies and systems. They include requirements such as managing operational risk and risks specific to an industry.

Risk Management

Prudential standard

CPS 220 Risk Management
1 July 2019
CPS 220 Risk Management requires all entities (excluding RSE licensees) to maintain a risk management framework that covers all material risks.

Prudential practice guide

CPG 220 Risk Management
1 April 2018
CPG 220 Risk Management provides guidance to ADIs, general insurers, life insurers and private health insurers on CPS 220 Risk Management.

Prudential practice guide

CPG 229 Climate Change Financial Risks
26 November 2021
CPG 229 Climate Change Financial Risks provides guidance for all entities on their core risk management and governance requirements.

Operational Risk

Prudential practice guide

CPG 230 Operational Risk Management
13 June 2024
CPG 230 Operational Risk Management assists entities with the implementation of, and compliance with, CPS 230

Prudential practice guide

GPG 230 Operational Risk
1 February 2006
GPG 230 Operational Risk provides guidance for general insurers on their operational risk requirements.

Prudential standard

CPS 231 Outsourcing
1 July 2017 – 30 June 2025
CPS 231 Outsourcing requires ADIs, general insurers and life insurers to manage risks from outsourced business activities.

Prudential practice guide

CPG 231 Outsourcing
1 October 2006
CPG 231 Outsourcing provides guidance for ADIs, general insurers and life insurers on CPS 231 Outsourcing.

Prudential standard

CPS 232 Business Continuity Management
1 July 2017 – 30 June 2025
CPS 232 Business Continuity Management requires ADIs, general insurers and life insurers to plan for business disruptions.

Prudential practice guide

GPG 232 Custody Arrangements
1 October 2006
GPG 232 Custody Arrangements provides guidance for general insurers on their operational risk management requirements.

Prudential practice guide

CPG 233 Pandemic Planning
1 May 2013
CPG 233 Pandemic Planning provides guidance for all entities on their core risk management requirements.

Prudential standard

CPS 234 Information Security
1 July 2019
CPS 234 Information Security requires entities to maintain information security capability.

Prudential practice guide

CPG 234 Information Security
1 June 2019
CPG 234 Information Security provides guidance to all entities on CPS 234 Information Security.

Prudential practice guide

CPG 235 Managing Data Risk
1 September 2013
CPG 235 Managing Data Risk provides guidance for all entities on their core risk management requirements.

Insurance Risk

Prudential standard

GPS 230 Reinsurance Management
1 July 2023
GPS 230 Reinsurance Management requires general insurers to maintain a reinsurance management framework.

Prudential practice guide

GPG 245 Reinsurance Management Strategy
1 July 2008
GPG 245 Reinsurance Management Strategy provides guidance for general insurers on GPS 230 Reinsurance Management.

Prudential practice guide

GPG 240 Insurance Risk
1 February 2006
GPG 240 Insurance Risk provides guidance for general insurers on their insurance risk management requirements.

Credit Risk

Prudential practice guide

GPG 220 Credit Risk
1 July 2008
GPG 220 Credit Risk provides guidance for general insurers on their credit risk management requirements.

Prudential standard

3PS 221 Aggregate Risk Exposures
1 July 2017
3PS 221 Aggregate Risk Exposures requires level 3 heads to manage their group's aggregated external exposures.

Prudential practice guide

3PG 221 Aggregate Risk Exposures
1 July 2017
3PG 221 Aggregate Risk Exposures provides guidance to level 3 heads on 3PS 221 Aggregate Risk Exposures.

Market Risk

Financial Resilience

Financial Resilience standards require entities to maintain adequate financial resources to withstand stresses. They include requirements such as maintaining capital and liquidity.


Prudential standard

GPS 110 Capital Adequacy
1 July 2023
GPS 110 Capital Adequacy requires general insurers to maintain adequate capital for various risks.

Prudential standard

GPS 114 Capital Adequacy: Asset Risk Charge
1 July 2023
GPS 114 Capital Adequacy: Asset Risk Charge requires general insurers and level 2 insurance groups to maintain adequate capital for their asset risks.

Prudential practice guide

GPG 116 Insurance Concentration Risk
1 March 2013
GPG 116 Insurance Concentration Risk provides guidance for general insurers on GPS 116 Capital Adequacy: Insurance Concentration Risk Charge.

Prudential standard

GPS 118 Capital Adequacy: Operational Risk Charge
1 July 2023
GPS 118 Capital Adequacy: Operational Risk Charge requires general insurers and level 2 insurance groups to maintain adequate capital for operational risks.

Prudential standard

GPS 120 Assets in Australia
1 July 2019
GPS 120 Assets in Australia requires general insurers to use the prescribed method to value its assets in Australia.

Prudential standard

GPS 340 Insurance Liability Valuation
1 July 2023
GPS 340 Insurance Liability Valuation requires general insurers to calculate their insurance liabilities using the prescribed method.

Recovery and Resolution

Recovery and Resolution standards require entities to strengthen crisis preparedness. They include requirements such as resolution, recovery and exit planning.


Prudential standard

CPS 190 Recovery and Exit Planning
1 January 2024
CPS 190 Recovery and Exit Planning requires entities to maintain a credible recovery and exit plan. It applies to ADIs and insurers from 1 January 2024, and to RSE licensees from 1 January 2025.

Prudential practice guide

CPG 190 Recovery and Exit Planning
1 January 2024
CPG 190 Recovery and Exit Planning provides guidance to most entities on CPS 190 Recovery and Exit Planning. It applies to ADIs and insurers from 1 January 2024, and to RSE licensees from 1 January 2025.


Prudential standard

CPS 900 Resolution Planning
1 January 2024
CPS 900 Resolution Planning requires significant financial institutions (SFIs), and other institutions that provide critical functions, to plan for resolution.

Prudential practice guide

CPG 900 Resolution Planning
1 January 2024
CPG 900 Resolution Planning provides guidance to SFIs and to non-SFIs that provide critical functions on CPS 900 Resolution Planning.